Core. Presents: This Will Destroy You + Guests

Room 2, Glasgow.

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14+ only. 14s to 17s must be accompanied by an adult. No refunds will be given for incorrectly booked tickets.

Ticket type Cost (face value)? Quantity
STANDING £25.53 (£22.50)
£1 DONATION - THE HUG AND PINT £1.00 (£1.00)
THE HUG AND PINT, Glasgow is a vital community grassroots music venue. In the face of rapidly increasing costs and an audience understandably reluctant to spend more money in a cost-of-living crisis. The Hug and Pint is in need of financial support to help ensure its long-term sustainability. Your donations help to provide a platform for the next generation of artists and are hugely appreciated.

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More information about Core. Presents: This Will Destroy You + Guests tickets

This Will Destroy You

This Will Destroy You are a Texan group who compose lengthy, atmospheric instrumental pieces utilizing a variety of guitar effects and dynamic changes. They incorporate influences such as shoegaze, ambient, doom metal and post-rock into their sound. 

Nordic Giants

For Nordic Giants the performance is the thing, and as those who have seen the live show will attest, it is a visceral experience that goes way beyond the normal descriptors. Each performance involves projections of short films, which are soundtracked with live soundscapes. The two mythical creatures that make up the duo, never speak but instead create an intense experience with bowed guitar, drums, piano and trumpet that is both haunting and rousing, climactic and thunderous. An experience for all the senses!